Our climate goals

As a shopping mall in the town centre of Ried, we demonstrate our responsibility towards people, the region and the environment – both today and on behalf of future generations. This is why for many years WEBERZEILE has been consistently committed to energy efficiency, proactive climate protection, alternative energy sources and sustainable mobility. Our mall operator, SES Spar European Shopping Centers, has set clear climate goals for this that are to be achieved by 2050 at the latest.

88% less carbon emissions

100% green electricity

46% savings in energy costs

Photovoltaics on available roof surfaces


Very good connections to local public transport, bicycle parking, a direct link to the cycle path network (Innradweg) and modern infrastructure for electric vehicles provide an easy and environmentally friendly alternative for our customers when they come and shop with us.

Sustainable transport

10 EV charging points – 100% green electricity

At WEBERZEILE, you will find 10 type [2FC22kW 4G Z RFID] charging points in the underground car park (level UG1) to charge your electric vehicle. The charging points are fitted with standard connector types.

Public transport

Bus, bike or train

Whether you come by electric car, City-Bus or train, by bike or on foot: access to WEBERZEILE is excellent. There is plenty of bicycle parking and EV charging stations too.

Energy management

Since 2019, WEBERZEILE has operated in compliance with an ISO-certified energy management system that was recertified by TÜV AUSTRIA in 2022. This means that we continuously analyse our energy consumption and implement measures to save energy and improve energy efficiency.

Optimized operational management

The entire ventilation system is optimised to the numbers of visitors. When needed, the night air is used to cool the shopping mall outside opening hours (free cooling).  Optimum heat recovery for the centre is achieved with the ventilation system.

All the toilet facilities are fitted with waterless urinals.

A well-designed concept for waste management ensures maximum recycling.

LED lighting

Energy-saving lighting

The entire mall is fitted with energy-saving LED lighting. WEBERZEILE uses state-of-the-art LED technology for everything from the lighting of the façades or the Christmas lights to the lighting inside the mall. The interior lighting is daylight-controlled.


Cheap Air

Actions speak louder than words! One practical example of climate-friendly operation is controlled ventilation that adapts to the number of visitors in the mall. It was developed by SES and adjusts air quality in the mall perfectly to actual requirements, achieving annual savings of around 2.9 million kilowatt hours of electricity.

Power generation

Clean energy. Climate protection is close to our hearts. That’s why we use renewable energies. As every SES shopping mall is unique, it can be designed to take account of individual local conditions to the greatest possible extent.


The 520-kW photovoltaic system commissioned in 2020 generates around 500,000 kilowatt hours of clean electricity annually for the mall’s own use. This is equivalent to around 40% of its electricity requirements. The remainder is fed into the national grid.

Geothermal energy

The entire mall is heated using district heating (geothermal).

People and society

Helping where there’s a need. We assume social responsibility, whether through long-term cooperation with clubs and associations in the region, through unforgettable events or various charity campaigns.

Bees on the roof of the WEBERZEILE

  • four bee colonies
  • around 200.000 bees
  • Creating a new habitat
  • 80-100 kg of organic honey a year

What we do for people

Our corporate sustainability culture at SES

Our staff are our most important success factor. We create jobs in the region and are a platform for local retailers. As a neighbourhood shopping centre, we provide people in the region with the main products and services they need every day.


ICSC Regeneration Award 2017
Certified energy management in compliance with ISO 50.001

We demonstrate responsibility:

Our corporate sustainability culture at SES
Economical, eco-friendly and social – when it comes to the environment and society, the mall’s operating company SES Spar European Shopping Centers thinks ahead and is pursuing a clear energy policy.
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